Thursday, February 17, 2011

Iran - Round two?

from what I've seen, Iran shows no sign of stepping down. In fact, they're getting even angrier! After the death of numerous protesters on the 14th of February, the Iranian people got annoyed, to put it in polite terms. A new, even stronger protest has been called to happen on the 20th, which is all well, but how many people have to die before they get what they want? How many more civilians will have to be tear-gassed or brutally beaten before the government reforms?

After the events that happened in Cairo, people have seen what can be done by the power and will of the people. It's the revolution all over again! Remember the first revolutions, when America wanted to gain independence from the British? And when it worked, France decided to follow the example. But then when Ireland tried to revolt against British rule, they lost miserably. It was more than a hundred years later before they did. I am a firm believer that history repeats itself, as can know be seen, but what Middle-Eastern country will become the Ireland of this scenario? Only time will tell, but lets hope the massacres wont be as large.

Screw the system, we need to watch our own backs.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

America - Stirring it

"What we see happening in Iran today is a testament to the courage of the Iranian people, and an indictment of the hypocrisy of the Iranian regime - a regime which over the last three weeks has constantly hailed what went on in Egypt," Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State.

Lovely. But then she turns around and says "We are against violence and we would call to account the Iranian government that is once again using its security forces and resorting to violence to prevent the free expression of ideas from their own people," Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State. I mean, talk about pleasing both crowds! They're pleasing the crowds of protesters, by telling them that they're brave and that the police shouldn't be so hard on them. This is because they realized that after what happened in Egypt, the people DO have power! And why, you may think, would America give a damn? I'll tell you, in my own opinion why! Stirring It Up. They get the people motivated enough, they've got a "civil war" on their hands so which America can step in and save the day!

Remember that story about the Trojan horse? You may have read about it in my last post. I like to use that as a point as to show how easy it is to take a peace offering without realizing the danger. It also shows how foolish some of the highest ranking people in the world can really be. America, with their "superior" military intellect, could EASILY wipe out the entire planet. Not much of a secret. But why threaten the people when you can offer them something they want? Like, oh, I dunno, a load of military trained soldiers who will "defend" the important people of your rebelling country? Like, oh, let's say, purely for example, America? But Oh no! America is the wolf in sheep's clothing! Who knew?! They turn around and BANG! You've got a war that you're not prepared for as your troops are out fighting your own people, and you become another number on Americas list of dominated countries. So Egypt, Iran and any other place where your people hate your leaders, watch out and keep your head up.

Here's where I got my thoughts for this post =>

Godspeed. Looks like we'll need it.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Americans in the Middle East

From what I've noticed over the news and from my own restless mind, I have come to a conclusion that, at least, makes sense to me. All through the years of history we have had great dictators. And along with those dictators came their empires. We had Ceaser, and the Roman empire, Alexander the great with the Greeks, and now president Barrack Obama, with the whole world. Many people think that the Americans are fighting because of the events of the 11th of September 2001, but anyone reading this will have probably already made up their minds to the whole "inside-job" conspiracy (Which, for the record, I am all for.), but I believe it was just an excuse. A small amount of these "clued-in" people would think that the Americans are doing it for the Middle East's resources (oil, if you're that confused), which could also make sense. But I believe it is SO much more. America is at the opposite side of the world from Iraq etc., so it would make sense to get a foothold in that region. This being that if they were at war with anyone, they can ANNIHILATE them from either side of the globe! I mean, why else would America take such interest in the protests in Egypt? I mean, there is nothing in it for them (visibly), but if they can get friendly with them, they can manipulate them! It's the Trojan horse all over again. They try and get friendly with a country, and if that works, fine. If not, they take it by force.
I leave you with this note, if any of this makes sense to you, don't leave it fester away in the recess of your mind, use it. We all have the ability to do it, it's called common sense.

This is madness!

Okay, this blog has been made because through reliable sources and my own common sense I've come to realize numerous things that everyday people wouldn't even see. Some may be controversial, some may be blasphemic, and some may be outright ridiculous but I'll leave that for you to decide. "

"May the truth be found in the utmost of hidden places, which is sometimes right under our noses" anon